
Back at University III

Uppsala is a nice and cosy town - Miranda called that Barbie land, mainly and surprisingly not in regard to the blondes, but to the way everything seems to function - clean, routine, effective and without any major braveness in deciding to show differences and disappreciation for the society as a whole. We have already been discussing Foucault and his concept of governmentality here ;-).
I live in a student-village called Lilla Sunnersta, about 6 km south of the city centre. Bikes are definetly needed here and it is - at least still during these temperatures - a nice and easy 20 minutes ride... but I will update you on the problems concerning slight misuse of alcohol and low temperatures and the use of a bike at any given moment in future.
The student village has pretty mixed inhabitants, disregarding the overwhelming presense of german folks around. There are even cats and dogs, children and the elderly...

Back at University II

So following up on the university stuff, I am doing a masters on International Humanitarian Affairs, organised by a mainly European University Network called NOHA, and founded and supported by the EU/ECHO. The course can be studies at a few different universities all over Europe. Thanks to my facination for Scandinavia, it was an easy choice to join Uppsala Universitet.
We are a group of around 20 students from pretty much all continents - the latinos lackin though, with a good interdiciplinary background and different expriences.

Back at University

Still difficult to understand and to grasp. I am back at university, and it feels pretty odd - at least during my first days here in Uppsala. Besides a small number of elderly students, there are plenty - and really plenty - of ERASMUS students, fooling around, as there was no fooling before. It brings up heaps of memories, but as it is inherent to this process, they are in the past, i.e. one has become a few years older, made a few different experiences - and now thrown back without warning in the cold of swedish university waters. But hey, I am very exited about the beginning of the course, the apprently nice and good group and not too worried about the breaking ice into ERASMUS heated coldness!